The effects of alcohol and level of attractiveness: A mock test

Image result for AlcoholResearches are testing the effects of alcohol and level of attractiveness. For this experiment, researches gathered 2 separate groups, each complete strangers, all African American, all within the weights between 130-165.  

A total of 10 people per group. Within this experiment scientist will have the first group; Group A, and the second, Group B meet in a controlled mall environment cafeteria each participant will have an elderly family member with them so no need to mingle. Later scientists will ask each participant who they thought were the most attractive and who was the least attractive, while they were in the food court. 

Image result for AlcoholThe second part of this experiment will have the participants of each group meet at a night club in a controlled environment of only those 20 people, each participant will drink until there alcohol consumption has reached that of 3 points over the legal limit with breathalyzers. 
Each group will get a chance to mingle with the person of who they thought was the most attractive first for 10 minutes and then mingle with who they were the least attracted to from each group.

 After that scientist will ask each participant while they are under the influence to tell researches who they thought was more attractive, the person who was attractive from the mall or the person who was least attractive at the mall. 
Image result for Alcohol


Researchers found that 65% of those individuals thought a different person was more attractive when they were under the influences and 30% thought that the original person they thought was attractive was still attractive


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