Losing fat is easy

Make a list. Make a list of everything you consume in a weekly period. Now once you've done that, look up the nutritional facts of everything, write down the nutrition facts: carbs, fats, sugars and calories, notice how these are calculated according to serving size. Add the numbers up throughout the whole week double them and you will get a good estimate on how much of what you are consuming.

Now chances are you are either over eating or under eating.

"But how do we know whether to eat more or eat less?"

Well its simple really! Fasting with healthier food choices! And best of all its natural! 👍
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"What is fasting?"
To keep it short and sour, Fasting is a period of time where an individual, you, does not consume any calories and an abundance of water. Now typical fasting hours range from 12-16 hours. 
After the hours of your choosing have expired you move into what is called a "feeding window". This is the time when you get all your necessary calories in. 

The average adult female needs 2000 calories to maintain her weight and 1500 calories to lose a pound of weight per week. The average adult male is from 2500 calories to maintain and 2000 calories to lose. Keep in mind this is the Average meaning it is not gonna be the exact same for everyone and also keep in mind that certain macros have distinct calories indexes, fat has around 9 calories per gram, protein 4 and carbs 4 per gram.

So lets put this into some perspective shall we? Say you wake up at 7 a.m. everyday, you would not consume any calories until around 1 to even 4pm that day and stop eating around 8 or 9pm. At these times you will eat, but not just sh!t food. Remember when I told you how many calories you need to maintain or lose weight? this is that crucial time to get those calories in.

"SWEET sounds easy!" 
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Before you even start doing this I am just going to tell you right now, its not as easy as it sounds. especially when you are eating CLEAN! Pizza, ice cream, frozen meals, pre cooked meals, processed meats and fast food have way more calories than clean food. It would be nice being able to eat 3 triple bacon burgers with an xtra medium diet water and a small fry a day and have positive benefits, but sadly it does not work like that. 😦 You will most likely be eating 3-4 meals within that feeding window and they are going be decent sized. If you made it this far and are interested in learning what foods are good to eat, where to find them in the store and even tips on how to eat when on the go then please subscribe to my blog and share me with your friends! 

Note: KETO diets are an easy way to get calories in.
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One of the last points I want to bring to your attention here is the sugar thing. Yea I know, I just had to bring it up!

Its no secret that sugar makes you fat, how? Well when your body has no use for something it is either stored for later or flushed out. Sugar is in a form that our body for the most part wont use or will use very little and what most people don't know is if you drink more than 5 sodas a week, eat fruit, pastas, more than 3 candy bars a week and chips at least once a week, that is where most of your problem is coming from! I know that's crazy right! 🙀. If you cut out all of that sh!t I guarantee you will lose 10lbs in a month and if you workout or are  just  more active in your life you can double that! 

Don't believe me? Well how will you know if you never try?


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