Eat Raw

    Most of us know how to go grocery shopping (or so i hope), you know, you go to the grocery store, walk down the isle's and if you see something you like you just throw it on in the cart.


Have you ever thought to yourself, "hmm, why does all the sh!t food look so appetizing?" well you just answered your question there JErRrY, crap food is geared to be more appetizing, simplistic and convenient! 

What is crap food? Anything that is boxed, bagged, pre-cooked, pre frozen, and most of the time LOTS of sodium and LOTS of sugars.

Now, on to the clean foods. This is probably the most simple way to shop tbh. Think of clean food as raw food, like raw veggies, raw fruits; you know what raw meat is, no do not eat that! instead cook it lol. 

Unfortunately we are not cavemen and have evolved so much as a species, society and as a civilization that those things just don't work in the long run, well, not for everyone that is. Veggies serve as healthy carbs sources and have an abundant amount of good vitamins our body needs.
Image result for Raw veggies
  • Frozen
  • Raw of course 
  • Canned veggies (not recommended, might as well just start a garden)
Any veggie you can think of is good for you and should be eaten, even BEETS have their place. but some of the most common ones are: 
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • kale
  • carrots
  • various squashes (though veggies these are very high in carbs and serve as more starchy/carbo veggie) 
  • Brussels sprouts 
Image result for Raw meats at grocery store
  • Frozen
  • Raw
  • Canned (tuna, oysters, sardines, chicken)
Image result for Raw meats at grocery storeYour protein source usually comes from meat, unless you are vegan or vegetarian. Meat is one of the simplest foods to find in any grocery store because it is usually in the back of the store on the walls. Grass fed and cage free foods are considered the organics of these raw foods. ill go deeper into that another time. 
Yes it does mater what kind of meat you put in your body, but we are not all blessed financially like that so just as long as you are eating these raw foods, you will be 100% healthier, safer, motivated AND  will most likely feel better because you will not be fueling your body full of crap. 
  • Chicken breast (high protien) 
  • Lean porkchops (high protien)
  • Grass fed beef (high protien/fat)
  • Byson (high protien)
  • Wild boar
  • Ground beef (80/20 or more)
  • Turkey (high protien)
  • Steaks
  • Roast
  • ground turkey/chicken
  • Bacon even has its place 
Believe it or not we need fat in our diet, I know, I know, we were raised that fat was bad. Well its not, saturated and trans fat are bad, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good.

Image result for good fat
  • Nuts
  • Avacdos
  • Cocoonut oil
  • Avacodo oil
  • Fish
  • Real butter
  • Almond butter 
  • Flax seed
  • Eggs (also high in protein)
  • Cheeses
  • Cottage cheese (higher in carbs)
  • Yogurt (higher in carbs)
Every diet has its place for carbs and as you can see a lot of food we eat already has carbs in it veggies are the healthiest carb source but others are not BAD. Some just cant shake pure carbs so this is what I propose:
Image result for good carbs

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Fruits
  • Potatoes
  • Pastas made out of chickpeas
  • Legumes
  • Veggies


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